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  • Protective film: The film protects the paint finish during fabrication and installation. It should, however, be removed as soon as possible after installation of the panel on site, especially in the case of panels exposed to sunlight and weather. The protective film should only remain temporarily o


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  • Direction of Panel: Metallic and mica coatings have a reflective or pearlescent finish, due to the millions of microscopic aluminum or mica particles suspended in the paint mix. These particles are oriented in the longitudinal direction during the coil coating process. During production, arrows and


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  • Cleaning Solution: (Exterior ACP/ASP/ASP(New)/AHP Products) Expert and regular cleaning not only maintains the aesthetic and representative finish of stove-lacquered surface but also maintains their quality through the removal of dirt and aggressive deposits. Cl


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Aluminum Composite Panel

Aluminum Sandwich Panel

Metal Ceiling

Aluminum Solid Panel

Aluminum Honeycomb Panel